One of the key characteristics of Saint Mary’s Angels College is its steadfast commitment to deliver Quality Education. In these trying times, we see the importance of building an adaptable approach to learning as we face new challenges in our education system. Hence, we continue to do our best to provide resources and guidance for flexible learning. The huge amount of time invested by our educators in terms of planning and delivery of learning using more dynamic platforms provides opportunities for our Marian Angels to have a meaningful and enjoyable learning experience. These we believe, will continue to help them acquire the lifelong skills that will make them become globally competitive, excellence-driven and successful individuals.
In this unique situation, the partnership among school, family and community should continue to strengthen. We need to work hand-in-hand to support the learning journey of our Marian Angels and to create an educational experience that is as close as their experience to being in the classroom. We strongly believe that this effective partnership can lead to mutual trust, respect and shared responsibility for the benefit of the students.
Since we are in a time where Social Distancing is the new reality in education, giving a strong emphasis in teaching the SMAC Core Values is very important. Inculcating the value of simplicity among the learners will help them find joy in living a simple life even during the time of crisis. Being simple also means finding contentment in all the things that they have as of the moment. Teaching the value of Humility on the other hand creates an open mind and recognition of our strengths and weaknesses. It also teaches us how to be honest with oneself and be considerate in other ideas before rejecting them. Moreover, the value of obedience teaches our Marian Angels how to listen and how to follow through even without prompting. By being obedient, they will also learn how to become better students and better Filipino citizens in the future.
In addition, SMACV also wants to instill the values of Honesty, Mindfulness and Compassion among our students. By developing academic honesty, we believe that they will be inspired to trust in their abilities, making them do their tasks responsibly even without being prompted or monitored. Cultivating their mindfulness is also important as it will help them become responsible, self-aware and attentive. By being mindful, they will also learn how to pay attention and focus on important things. Lastly, fostering compassion among Marian Angels will give them the ability to understand other people’s situation and increase their desire and will to do what is necessary in times of world crisis.
Objectives / Goals
We believe that by providing adequate resources and guidance for flexible learning, our Marian Angels will continue receive the same outstanding learning opportunity despite the crisis that all educational institutions face.
We believe that the strong partnership among school, family and community should be strengthened during this trying time as this will help support the challenging educational journey of our students.
We believe that this current crisis will serve as an eye-opener to our students and will teach them how to become good Filipino citizens with a sense of responsibility.
We believe that simplicity, humility, obedience, honesty, mindfulness and compassion are the values that should be inculcated to our Marian Angels as these will help them become good, responsible and God-fearing individuals.
1. to provide a Quality Education that responds to the students’ interests and needs with a focus on holistic growth, achieving lifelong skills and excellence including children with special needs under an environment that is accepting, caring and respectful of their different exceptionalities.
2. to strengthen the partnership among school, family and community that can lead to mutual trust, respect and shared responsibility for the benefit of the students;
3. to teach the students how to respond positively to the current needs of the society and to inspire them to become responsible citizens and future leaders;
4. to internalize and put in to practice the SMAC Core Values among students
“Saint Mary’s Angels College of Valenzuela, an inclusive Filipino-Chinese school, envisions to prepare Marian Angels for a global crisis by instilling in them critical thinking skills, glocal perspective and reflective judgment in a progressive environment, and live the Marian core values of simplicity, humility and obedience.”
“Saint Mary’s Angels College endeavors to provide a strategic, relevant and flexible educational program that pursues excellence, upholds values and responds positively to the needs of the society in times of a global crisis.”